3 research outputs found

    Hybrid Control from Scratch: A Design Methodology for Assured Robotic Missions

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    Robotic research over the last decades have lead us to different architectures to automatically synthesise discrete event controllers and implement these motion and task plans in real-world robot scenarios. However, these architectures usually build on existing robot hardware, generating as a result solutions that are influenced and/or restricted in their design by the available capabilities and sensors. In contrast to these approaches, we propose a design methodology that, given a specific domain of application, allowed us to build the first end-to-end implementation of an autonomous robot system that uses discrete event controller synthesis to generate assured mission plans. We validate this robot system in several missions of our target domain of application

    Implementaci贸n de un controlador h铆brido en un sistema rob贸tico aut贸nomo

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    En este trabajo se presenta el proceso de dise帽o e implementaci贸n llevado a cabo para la construcci贸n de un robot aut贸nomo basado en controladores h铆bridos. Haciendo uso de la t茅cnica de planning, se logr贸 planificar misiones de patrullaje en zonas con y sin obst谩culos (motion planning), misiones donde el robot debe emitir una alerta al ingresar a una regi贸n y misiones de ordenamiento de una caja en un entorno acotado (task planning). Se utiliz贸 el software MTSA (The Modal Transition System Analyser) para la s铆ntesis de controladores discretos ((correctos por construcci贸n)) que satisfagan un modelo del sistema rob贸tico real y las propiedades que en dicho sistema deben cumplirse. Adem谩s, se presenta una metodolog铆a que pretende sistematizar el proceso de dise帽o de robots basado en controladores h铆bridos a partir de un enfoque en el que la especificaci贸n de la misi贸n tiene un rol central. El proceso de dise帽o fue validado mediante la realizaci贸n de diferentes misiones con un prototipo rob贸tico construido por manufactura aditiva (impresi贸n 3D) y con un entorno de simulaci贸n dise帽ado para tal fin

    Hybrid Control from Scratch: A Design Methodology for Assured Robotic Missions

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    Robotic research over the last decades have lead us to different architectures to automatically synthesise discrete event controllers and implement these motion and task plans in real-world robot scenarios. However, these architectures usually build on existing robot hardware, generating as a result solutions that are influenced and/or restricted in their design by the available capabilities and sensors. In contrast to these approaches, we propose a design methodology that, given a specific domain of application, allowed us to build the first end-to-end implementation of an autonomous robot system that uses discrete event controller synthesis to generate assured mission plans. We validate this robot system in several missions of our target domain of application.Sociedad Argentina de Inform谩tic